[Jeu de temps / Times Play 2017]
Awards, Project Partners and Support
Winners / Gagnants | Submissions / Soumissions | Events / Événements | Awards / Prix | Jury
Prize packages are offered each year to the composers of the Winning Works and Composers in Jeu de temps / Times Play 2017 and cash prizes are additionally offered to the composers of the top three works. Generous donations by our Project Partners — a diverse collection of interested and supportive individuals and institutions across Canada and around the world — have made it possible for us to offer over $4000 worth of CDs, DVDs, books, magazine subscriptions and more to this year’s JTTP winners.
Our Media Partners help us promote the project through the coordination of various Events, Concerts and Radio Broadcasts that feature JTTP works throughout the year. Visit the Participants and Submissions page any time to listen to all 35 submissions to the 18th edition of JTTP, and to read programme notes and composer biographies.
Prizes / Prix
1st Place
$400 Cash Prize
CEC Membership (2 years)
CDs, DVDs, books and journals from the CEC and JTTP Project Partners
2nd Place
$200 Cash Prize
CEC Membership (2 years)
CDs, DVDs, books and journals from the CEC and JTTP Project Partners
3rd Place
$100 Cash Prize
CEC Membership (1 year)
CDs, DVDs, books and journals from the CEC and JTTP Project Partners
4th Place
CEC Membership (1 year)
CDs, DVDs, books and journals from the CEC and JTTP Project Partners
5th Place
CEC Membership (1 year)
CDs, DVDs, books and journals from the CEC and JTTP Project Partners
Project Partners
The larger Jeu de temps / Times Play project is supported in part by the CEC membership. The CEC wishes to recognize the generous donations and support of the project made by the following individuals and institutions.
If you wish to make a donation or become a JTTP Project Partner, please contact the JTTP Project Manager.
(*) Indicates a new Partner this year.
Financial Donations
Kevin Austin
James Bailey
* Nicolas Bernier
Chin-Chin Chen
jef chippewa
Mark Corwin
Bruno Degazio
* Carey Dodge
Yves Gigon
Gilles Gobeil
Monique Jean
John Kamevaar
Michael Matthews
Steven Naylor
Jean Piché
Laurie Radford
* Scott Smallwood
* Barry Truax
Eldad Tsabary
CD and DVD Donations
CEC — Canadian Electroacoustic Community / Communauté électroacoustistique canadienne
Akademie der Künste (AdK) — Studio für Elektroakustische Musik (Berlin)
Cambridge Street Records (Vancouver)
CMMAS — Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras (Morelia, Mexico)
DAAD Berliner Künstlerprogramm (Berlin)
DEGEM — Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik (Germany)
Earsay Music (Vancouver)
empreintes DIGITALes (Montréal)
Musiques & Recherches (Belgium)
NAISA — New Adventures in Sound Art (Toronto)
Shelan (Montréal)
Vox Novus (New York)
Book and Magazine Donations
Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal
Circuit (Montréal)
Computer Music Journal / MIT Press (USA)
Musicworks (Toronto)
Organised Sound (UK)
Media Partners
JTTP benefits from a broad and varied group of dedicated Media Partners who help promote the project and the winning works by featuring them in radio broadcasts and presenting them in concert.
Visit the JTTP 2017 events page for information on the various radio broadcasts and concert presentations of JTTP 2017 works. Also keep an eye on the CEC’s Facebook events page for updates on upcoming broadcasts and announcements of all JTTP- and CEC-related events.
Radio Broadcasts
Acoustic Frontiers with Ralph Hopper on CKCU 93.1 FM (Ottawa)
Electric Sense with James Bailey on CIUT 89.5 FM (Toronto)
Expansive Prairie Skies with Michael Elves on UMFM 101.5 (Winnipeg)
Foldover with Tom Lopez on WOBC 91.5 FM (Cleveland)
GroundSwell Radio with Heidi Ouelette on CKUW 95.9 FM (Winnipeg)
Thank God it’s Free Range! with Michael Elves on UMFM 101.5 (Winnipeg)
UNDÆ! Radio with Antony Maubert y El Equipo Elevador on Radio Círculo 100.4 FM (Madrid)
Concert Presentations
Since 2014, each year’s JTTP 1st prize winner is presented in the annual Akousma festival, an annual festival of digital immersive music produced in Montréal since 2005.

The composers of the top 5 placing works from each edition are invited to present their works in a recurring event that “roams” annually to a different prestigious international context. 1[1. This recurring activity was first held in Seia, Portugal, where JTTP 2014 winners presented their work in the 21st Dias de Música Electroacústica (DME, February 2015). Subsequently, JTTP 2015 winners participated in the KONTAKTE festival in Berlin, Germany (September 2015) and JTTP 2016 winners travelled to Morelia, Mexico, where they were welcomed by the Centro Mexicano para la Música y Artes Sonoras (CMMAS) for a concert of their works (April 2017).] The winning composers from JTTP 2017 are featured in a concert that is part of the third Sea of Sound Festival (Edmonton, 12–14 April 2017), a co-production of BEAMS — Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society and the University of Alberta’s Department of Music.

25 Oct. 2017 | Akousma XIV — “Ondes lumineuses” — The 1st Prize work from Jeu de temps / Times Play 2017, Xavier Madore’s Les loges de la suite (2017), is featured in the 14th edition of Montréal’s festival des musiques numériques immersives (20–28 October). The concert programme also features works by Natasha Barrett (UK/NO), Magnitude6 (QC) and Karlheinz Stockhausen (DE).
12 Apr. 2018 | JTTP 2017 Winners in 3rd Sea of Sound Festival — The winning composers from JTTP 2017 are featured in a concert that is part of the third Sea of Sound Festival (Edmonton, 12–14 April 2017), a co-production of the Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society (BEAMS) and the University of Alberta Department of Music.
Institutional and Financial Support
The CEC gratefully acknowledges the ongoing support of the SOCAN Foundation, who supports a range of CEC activities through their Annual Operations programme.
Further financial support is provided by each and every CEC Member, whose membership dues continue to contribute to the success of projects coordinated by the CEC.
The cash prizes awarded each year to the top three placing artists are possible thanks to the kind donations of the individuals mentioned above.
Services in Kind
DIFFUSION i MéDIA (Montréal)
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