Winners / Gagnants | Submissions / Soumissions | Events / Événements | Awards / Prix | Jury
Events, Concerts and Radio Broadcasts
For each edition of JTTP the CEC coordinates a number of public presentations of submissions in various contexts across Canada and internationally. JTTP Radio Partners present the 5 Winning Works and Composers in a JTTP-dedicated show, or may programme the entire compilation CD (Cache) of a particular edition. Or selections from all 38 Participants and Submissions to JTTP 2016 can be chosen for a unique, curated presentation of the project.
In recent years, winners have also been presented in prestigious festival contexts with international Partners. Montréal’s Akousma Festival presents the 1st Prize work on an annual basis in their fall festival, and over the coming year the top 5 winners of JTTP 2016 are invited to perform their compositions in dedicated concerts produced by some of our newest Project Partners, CMMAS (Morelia, Mexico) and Boca del Lupo (Vancouver).
These radio broadcasts and concert presentations of JTTP works are an excellent complement to the extensive prize packages offered to the top 5 placing composers (see the Awards, Project Partners and Support page), and through these presentations, JTTP Partners help the CEC promote the work of young / emerging composers and sound artists living in or from Canada within various national and international contexts.
Upcoming Events
Check out the CEC’s Facebook Events page for a quick overview of all upcoming CEC activities!
Past Concerts and Presentations
In reverse chronological order.

Del otro lado del muro: Música electroacústica actual de Canadá
Fri. 07 Apr. 2017 @ 20h00 at CMMAS (Morelia, Mexico)
Centro Mexicano para la Música y Artes Sonoras
Casa de la Cultura, 2do piso
Av. Morelos Norte 485 (Centro Histórico)
Come out to CMMAS (Morelia, Mexico) on 7 April 2017 to meet the winners of this year’s Jeu de temps / Times Play and find out what the next generation of Canadian electroacoustic composers and sound artists “sounds like”.
Through a collaboration between CMMAS (Mexico) and the CEC (Canada), recent works by five young, Canadian electroacoustic composers are featured in concert in Morelia, Mexico. Following up on a collaboration between the two institutions in 2010, the Centro Mexicano para la Música y Artes Sonoras is partnering with the Canadian Electroacoustic Community in April 2017 to present the prize-winning works of the 2016 edition of Jeu de temps / Times Play (JTTP), an annual project supporting the work of young and emerging composers / sound artists in Canada.
Founded in 2006, the Centro Mexicano para la Música y Artes Sonoras (CMMAS) has established itself as the primary space in Latin American for the creation, reflection and education of contemporary music (instrumental and using technologies). It is a centre for research, experimentation and development of unique, avant-garde sound projects, placing Mexico in a privileged position amongst international sister organizations. CMMAS on Facebook.

JTTP 2016 Concert of Winning Works at Boca del Lupo
Fri. 24 Mar. 2017 @ TBD at Boca del Lupo (Vancouver BC)
The Fishbowl
100—1398 Cartwright Street | Vancouver BC
Boca del Lupo, the CEC’s newest JTTP Project Partner, invites you to come out for a concert presentation of the winning works from JTTP 2016. Coordinated by the Canadian Electroacoustic Community since 2000, Jeu de temps / Times Play celebrates the work of young and emerging composers and sound artists from or living in Canada.
Boca del Lupo creates and presents extraordinary performances in unconventional spaces, often in collaboration with local and visiting artists, and engages intergenerational audiences in the Metro Vancouver area. Working across cultures and disciplines, its productions are energized by the collision and confluence of difference. Since its inception in 1996, Boca del Lupo’s artistic focus has been one that explores cultural hybridity and interdisciplinary work by artists that have diverse backgrounds and practices.

“Multiformes” — Myriam Boucher dans Akousma XIII
Wed. 19 Oct. 2016 @ 20h00 at Usine C (Montréal QC)
[F] Joignez-vous à nous lors de la soirée d’ouverture de la 13e édition du festival AKOUSMA pour découvrir en création canadienne la musique visuelle Nuées (2016), de Myriam Boucher, une œuvre grâce à laquelle elle a remporté le 1er prix au concours de composition Jeu de temps / Times Play 2016. Le festival annuel des musiques numériques immersives AKOUSMA est un partenaire de JTTP depuis 2014, présentant chaque année l’œuvre lauréate.
[E] Come out and join us on the opening night of the Akousma festival (19–22 Oct.) for the Canadian première of Myriam Boucher’s videomusic work Nuées (2016), for which she was awarded 1st Prize in Jeu de temps / Times Play 2016. Montréal’s annual festival of immersive digital music, Akousma, is a JTTP Project Partner since 2014, presenting the JTTP 1st Prize winner each year.
Presentation of the JTTP 2016 Winners at Concordia University
Thu. 15 Sep. 2016 @ 14h00 at Concordia University, Music Department (Montréal QC)
Come out and meet the winners of this year’s Jeu de temps / Times Play! Their winning compositions will be played and the composers presented in an informal setting in Concordia University’s Music Dept. by CEC President Eldad Tsabary.
Past Radio Broadcasts
In reverse chronological order.

GroundSwell Radio with John Wiens
Mon. 15 Apr. 2017 @ 14h00 on CKUW 95.9 FM (Winnipeg MB)
John Wiens closes off a quartet of JTTP 2016 events in western Canada in spring 2017 with a broadcast of the winning works from the 17th edition of JTTP coordinated by the CEC. GroundSwell Radio in Winnipeg is an initiative of GroundSwell, Manitoba’s only series dedicated to presenting contemporary music.
- [PODCAST] The last 8 or so shows
GroundSwell Radio. People are still writing classical music! Tune into GroundSwell Radio for chamber and orchestral music from the 20th century and beyond. Winnipeg’s only New Music radio broadcast brought to you by Winnipeg’s only New Music concert series. Hosted by John Wiens, Mondays 14:00–15:00 on CKUW 95.9 FM (Winnipeg MB). GroundSwell on Facebook.

Perdidos en el Espacio con Jaime Baeza
Mon. 01 May 2017 @ 22h00 on Radio Universidad de Chile 102.5 FM (Santiago de Chile)
Tanta música nueva tan breva la existencía para darse cuenta… But Jaime Baeza has been challenging that equation for over 21 years now! Tune in to his eclectic weekly show, Perdidos en el Espacio, broadcast out of Santiago de Chile since 1995 to hear the winning works from this year’s edition of Jeu de Temps / Times Play (JTTP).
Perdidos en el Espacio offers an eclectic range of sonorous options, from electronic to post rock, reggae to concrete music, folk or ethnic to avant-garde. On air for 21 years! So much new music… so little time. Hosted by Jaime Baeza, Mondays 22:00–23:00 on Radio Universidad de Chile 102.5 FM (Santiago de Chile). Perdidos en el Espacio on Facebook

JTTP 2016 Broadcast: Thank God it’s Free Range! with Michael Elves
Fri. 24 Mar. 2017 @ 18h30 on UMFM 101.5 FM (Winnipeg MB)
On the second in a trio of JTTP 2016 broadcasts out of Winnipeg, Michael Elves interviews CEC Admin jef chippewa about this annual project supporting the work of young and emerging electroacoustic composers and sound artists, and presents JTTP 2016 1st Prize winner Myriam Boucher’s work Nuées. [Second set, starting at 29:56]
Thank God it’s Free Range! Start the weekend off with a rundown on upcoming shows, interviews with local, national and international artists, and all sorts of good music. Hosted by Michael Elves, Fridays 18:30–20:00 on UMFM 101.5 FM (Winnipeg MB).

JTTP 2016 Broadcast: Expansive Prairie Skies with Michael Elves
Fri. 24 Mar. 2017 @ 02h00 on UMFM 101.5 FM (Winnipeg MB)
Opening up a trio of JTTP 2016 broadcasts out of Winnipeg, Michael Elves’ interview with CEC Admin jef chippewa about the project and other CEC activities runs alongside the five winning works from the 17th edition of Jeu de temps / Times Play. The first hour of the show is dedicated to this annual project showcasing the diversity of the emerging generation of electroacoustic artists in Canada.
Expansive Prairie Skies. Hosted by Michael Elves, Friday mornings 02:00–04:00 on UMFM 101.5 FM (Winnipeg MB).

Emisión JTTP 2016: UNDAE! Radio
19 Dec. 2016 @ 22h00 on UNDAE! Radio / Radio Círculo (Madrid, Spain)
¡Para nuestros escuchadores que hablan español! The UNDAE! team in Madrid offers one more JTTP broadcast before the new year. Tune in to Radio Círculo to hear the winning works from the CEC’s annual project for young composers/sound artists, accompanied by engaging commentary and discussion of various themes related to electroacoustic practices.
UNDÆ! Radio is a space on Radio Círculo dedicated to electroacoustic music and æsthetics, to all tendencies in sound art and to innovative music realized with modern technologies. Hosted by Antonio Sánchez, Hertz Volta and Antony Maubert, Mondays 22:00–23:00 on UNDAE! Radio / Radio Círculo (Madrid, Spain). UNDÆ! Radio on Facebook.
Foldover with Tom Lopez
Thu. 8 Dec. 2016 @ 17h00 on WOBC 91.5 FM (Oberlin OH)
The JTTP 2016 broadcasts continue this week with composer Tom Lopez down in Oberlin, Ohio. He will present the winning works from this year’s edition of Jeu de Temps / Times Play (JTTP) on Foldover, his weekly foray into experimental and electroacoustic musics.
Foldover sends out strange textures, flavours and scents of electroacoustic music. Artists vary from esoteric academics to under-the-radar mavericks. Guaranteed to be something you’ve never heard before! Hosted by Tom Lopez, Thursdays 17:00–18:00 on WOBC 91.5 FM Alternative Radio (Oberlin OH).
Acoustic Frontiers with Ralph Hopper
Mon. 21 Nov. 2016 @ 12h30 on CKCU 93.1 FM (Ottawa ON)
Ralph Hopper is one of our most long-standing JTTP Partners, and has always been a staunch supporter of all things CEC. We invite you to tune in to his radio show — dedicated to electroacoustic and related practices — and join us in congratulating him for his 10-year anniversary of Acoustic Frontiers on CKCU (July 2016)!
Acoustic Frontiers. For a very different radio experience, tune in and have a listen to electroacoustic and computer-based sounds that cutting-edge composers have been creating since the mid-1900s. Music that varies from easy on the ears to difficult and indescribable. Unzip your ears! Hosted by Ralph Hopper, Mondays 12:30–14:00 on CKCU 93.1 FM (Ottawa ON).
Electric Sense with James Bailey
Wed. 12 Oct. 2016 @ 23h00 on CIUT 89.5 FM (Toronto ON)
And James Bailey jumps in to do us the honour of kicking off the JTTP 2016 broadcast season! Tune in to his eclectic show for the first of several broadcasts of the winning works from the 17th edition of Jeu de temps / Times Play (JTTP), an annual project supporting the work of young and emerging composers / sound artists in Canada.
Electric Sense is a programme devoted to all that is new and creative in the exploration of sound. From the tightly composed to the wildly improvised and whatever may be found in between. Traditional instruments to new inventions. Acoustic, electroacoustic, purely electronic, field recordings and found sounds. Melodic to abrasive to totally indescribable. If you’ve heard it before, you probably won’t hear it here. Hosted by James Bailey, Wednesdays 23:00–00:00 on CIUT 89.5 FM (Toronto ON). Electric Sense on Facebook.
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