Perte auditive et sujets connexes
Hearing (Loss) and Related Issues
À propos de ce numéro / About this Issue
Éditorial / Editorial

The Seductive (Yet Destructive) Appeal of Very Loud Music
Consideration of some of the reasons why some artists favour music with high SPLs: what are the “psychological benefits” of composing “loud music”?
Making Contact
First-person account of the diagnosis of the author’s hearing condition while he was an undergraduate music student at Concordia University. David reflects upon the manner through which his perceptions as a teacher, musician, and composer have been affected by the discovery of the extent of his hearing loss.
Beating the Heavenly Drum: Easy Qigong For Ear Relief
How Chinese Qigong exercises can be used to alleviate some of the associated problems.

Interview: Dame Evelyn Glennie
An interview with Dame Evelyn touching on a range of subjects, from her educational activities to her work as a composer, performer and improvisor.

Hearing Loss (Installation)
About a recently completed sound installation using unamplified hearing aids and no other sound source. It premiered at Signal and Noise 2007 in Vancouver.

Noise Induced Hearing Loss
Addresses one of the major avoidable causes of hearing loss: Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).

Hearing Protection for the Critical Listener
For critical listeners hearing has special significance. This article discusses the basic types of hearing protectors and what music professionals should know about selection and use of those devices.
Musicians Tackle Tinnitus
“Tinnitus is a big part of the music world. Performers, audio engineers and listeners of all types of music are at risk for noise-induced tinnitus and other hearing damage. [A] recent study … found that more than 60 percent report at least occasional tinnitus.”
From the Artist’s Perspective

Artistic Statement: Exile as Noise — Noise as Exile
Noise as Form

Volume: la dernière frontière ?

A Survey of Audio Coders for Electronic-Art Music
Using two audio examples the author compares a variety of formats and compression rates, with detailed commentary about the differences and audible artifacts.
Wiki Pages
Various audiology/Hearing tests one may undergo as well as reasons to get them, side effects and dangers, and where/when/why to get them done.
A list of earplugs available commercially, with descriptions and explanations of the pros and cons of each type.
Glossary of Terms Related to Hearing
List of terminology related to Auditory.
The various causes, effects (immediate and over time) of hearing loss, as well as preventative measures and recovery procedures, wherever possible.
Resources (Links)
A list of links related to hearing: education, prevention, equipment, noise regulations, noise pollution and more.
Contributors offer their experiences, anecdotes and solutions to various hearing-related issues.
About a disease that afflicts a large number of musicians.
Reviews, Previews and New Releases

[BOOK] Spaces Speak, Are You Listening? Experiencing Aural Architecture (Barry Blesser and Linda-Ruth Salter)

[REVIEW] Linux Audio-Konferenz (Berlin, 22–25 March 2007)
Highlight of this year’s Linux Audio Conference in Berlin was the presentation of a 2730-speaker / 840-channel Wavefield Synthesis System built into one of the Technical University’s auditoriums. Another remarkable experience was the performance of Spain’s Recursive Dog Collective combining aspects of free software, hardware and culture.
[] Kwik Picks 06, recent additions to the CEC’s online Electroacoustic Jukebox
A range of pieces, many text-based, some soundscape-based. A mélange. Just the thing to start off a relaxing summer.
De plus… / Related Items
Listening and Hearing
The author gives an overview of the common causes of hearing damage and loss, supported by tests and industry standards. Preventative measures to avoid or reduce hearing loss are discussed, as are devices for protection and assistance for hearing.
World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE)
A wide range of information is available in the WFAE’s semi-annual journal, Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology, as well as in their online Library. Issue 6/1 (Spring/Summer 2005) covers the topic of Hearing Loss, and includes articles such as: “Hearing Protection for the Critical Listener”, “The Nature of Hearing and Hearing Loss”, “Tinnitus and Sound” and “Restoring the Soundscape with Hearing Aids.”
Works by some authors and/or artists in this issue can be heard in
La CEC tient à remercier le Conseil des arts du Canada (section Lettres et édition) pour son soutien à eContact! depuis 1997, ainsi que la Fondation SOCAN pour ses subventions de fonctionnement.
The CEC thanks the Canada Council’s Writing & Publishing Section for supporting the journal since its launch in 1997, and the SOCAN Foundation for their assistance through the Core Funding Programme.
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