Ressources éducatives / Educational Resources
Editorial (
Listen to... (
The Canadian Electroacoustic Community’s online “Jukebox” of electroacoustic works by internationally born and based, young and emerging, established, academic, anti-academic, sound(scape) artists, composers and performers. And lots more! As of June 2006, SONUS contains 1700+ works.
International, 24/7 Electroacoustic Webradios (
A massive list of radio stations and programmes with electroacoustic content available on the internet. Trying to fill up the entire week with electroacoustics...
Read about...
- Electroacoustic Bibliography (
An extensive, ordered “essential reading list” for electroacoustics, including books, journals and other resources relating to electroacoustics. Ordered by topic, and accessible and pertinent to a broad range of readers. - Electroacoustic Email Lists (
International email lists for electroacoustics: discussion, concert announcements, jobs opps, software and more fun things.
- The History of Electroacoustics: from a variety of perspectives...
- Activités électroacoustiques au Québec / Electroacoustic Activities in Quebec — eContact! 6.2 (
- Histoires de l’électroacoustique / Histories of Electroacoustics — eContact! 3.4 (
- 120 Years of Electronic Music — Electronic Musical Instruments 1870–1990 (
- The EMF Institute (
- The EMF Institute’s Big Timeline ( of Electronic Music and Technologies
- National and International Activities
- Australasia — eContact! 3.2 (
- UK: Sonic Arts Network (SAN) — eContact! 2.2 (
- Amérique latine / Latin America — eContact! 2.1 (
- USA: Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) — eContact! 1.2 (
Oral History Project: The Video Archive of the Electroacoustic Music (
“Currently comprising about 50 hours of digitally recorded interviews... capture[s] a first-person history of the pioneering composers, scientists, and engineers from 1950 to present.”
Films with Significant Electroacoustic Content (
A list of films where electroacoustics are used to some extent, not only as background or traditional foley, but also as dramaturgical contributions, sound design and more.
Reflect upon...
Two Reflections on the Relation between Machines (Computers) and Composers (
Reflection on the mastery of technology, and our imperfect relation with it.
On Mentoring Composition Students (
Beckmesser revisited? (
The author considers the encounter between “popular” or vernacular music and academic music within the (larger) realm of electroacoustics, and some of the difficulties proponents of both sides of the “chasm” have in assimilating the other, linked to sometimes opposing value systems.
Nuts and Bolts of...
Electroacoustic Techniques and Processes (
Examples from the CEC’s internet “Jukebox” SONUS as well as from commercially-available CDs illustrate common to obscure techniques and processes used in electroacoustics: additive, analog, digital, FM and granular synthesis; digital trash; “traditional” musique concrète techniques; ring modulation; Risset (Sheppard) tones; and more.
Education and Communities
An Introduction to a Second Year Electroacoustic Studies Core Analysis Course (
The field of electroacoustics is vast and varied, and, like music, includes many aspects of art and technology: creativity, practice, education, research, theory, science (acoustics and instrument invention), psychology (perception and psychoacoustics), text, history, repertoire, dissemination, application and audience. The complexity and breadth of this field is reflected in the pedagogical approach in Concordia University’s Electroacoustic Studies ( courses.
Quotes, Music Technology, and post-modernity: Quantitative Studies into “Music Technology” degrees in Britain (
The author examines the educational landscape of Music Technology in Britain. Betweening is a project funded by Palatine, investigating/collating information about existing degree courses related to the interdisciplinary field of music technology in higher education institutions in Britain.
Journées de la composition électroacoustique 2005 : Table ronde au C.N.S.M.D. de Lyon le 11 octobre 2005 (
Round table held in France discussing the options available to students and young composers today in France. Overviews of the activities of the various centres where ea is studied, researched, promoted, and solutions to improve communications between them are proposed. En français.
An Introduction To Electroacoustic Music Course, or “How to Compose Your First EA Work” (
The author discusses the changes which ea curriculum and teaching methods have undergone over the years, with an outline of the courses available at Simon Fraser University (Vancouver). SFU’s pedagogical approach to teaching a body of students containing many non-majors or non-music students is explained.
Higher Education Institutes (
Reviews, Previews and New Releases
Review: Sonorities Festival ( (Belfast, 25 April – 1 May 2006)
Review: International Alliance for Women in Music Congress 2006, Global Perspectives ( (Miami, 10–13 May 2006)
Review: Audio Culture: Readings in Modern Music (
De plus… / Related Items
Multiple Sidosis ( (1970), from Vintage Ink & Paint
A cute and humourous video of the expressive potential of multi-track recording!
Kwik Picks, some more recent additions to (
Links - Inter/National: Associations, institutions… (
Works by some authors and/or artists in this issue can be heard in
– Dominique Bassal (
– Ned Bouhalassa (
– Eric Chasalow (
– jef chippewa (
– Ian Chuprun (
– Jeff Cloke (
– Francis Dhomont (
– Arne Eigenfeldt (
– Christian Eloy (
– Philippe-Aubert Gauthier (
– Martin Gotfrit (
– Frank Koustrup (
– Katharine Norman (
– Antonio Russek (
– Ian Stewart (
– Pete Stollery (
– Richard Zvonar (
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