Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States
Comptes Rendus - In Review
Chris Koenigsberg: Brains - Jean Routhier
Kent Sparling: Route Canal Diary - Jean Routhier

Un regard sur SEAMUS / SEAMUS Overview - Stephen David Beck
SEAMUS à EuCuE / SEAMUS at EuCuE - Barry Schrader
Composition gestuelle / Gestural Composition - Scott Wyatt
VoiElectro - EA Voices
Rémy Carré, Martín Alejandro Fumarola, Frédéric Kahn, Christopher K. Koenigsberg, Daniel Zimbaldo
Extraits sonores - Sounds
1956 (part one) - Marc Ainger
Oh, No! (Music for Kenneth) - Steven David Beck
La Trace du Souffle - Rémy Carré
Point of No Return - Chin-Chin Chen
El peregrinar de la araña - Martín Alejandro Fumarola
Affirmation - Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner
Tous Azimuts - Frédéric Kahn
LCM for 12 Piano Sample - Christopher K. Koenigsberg
The Rat's Nest - Christopher K. Koenigsberg
Squeaky Chair - Christopher K. Koenigsberg
Igor - Rodney Oakes
816 - Barry Schrader
Phoenix and the Harlequin - Allen Strange
Private Play - Scott Wyatt
Estudio Sobre Una Configuración Fractal - Daniel Zimbaldo
Liens apparentés - Related links
Distributeurs représentés dans ce numéro de eContact!:
Distributors mentioned in this edition of eContact!:
PWOA Productions
+1 705-405 1163
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