[Jeu de temps / Times Play 2015]
Events, Concerts and Radio Broadcasts
Winners / Gagnants | Submissions / Soumissions | Events / Événements | Awards / Prix | Jury
For each edition of JTTP the CEC coordinates a number of public presentations of submissions in various contexts across Canada and internationally. JTTP Radio Partners typically present the Winning Works and Composers in a JTTP-dedicated show, but also sometimes play the entire compilation CD (Cache) of a particular edition. Or selections from all 48 Participants and Submissions can be made for a unique curated presentation.
In recent years winners have also been presented in prestigious festival contexts with international Partners. Montréal’s Akousma Festival presents the 1st Prize work on an annual basis in their fall festival, and the top 5 winners of JTTP 2015 were invited to perform their compositions in the relaunched KONTAKTE Festival for Electronic Music and Sound Art, produced by the Akademie der Künste Berlin (Germany).
These radio broadcasts and concert presentations of JTTP works are an excellent complement to the extensive prize packages offered to the top 5 placing composers (see the Awards, Project Partners and Support page), and through these presentations, JTTP Partners help the CEC promote the work of young / emerging composers and sound artists living in or from Canada within various national and international contexts.

Myriam Boucher in Seeing Sound 4
Saturday 9 April 2016 @ 17h30 | Bath Spa University Theatre (Bath, UK) http://www.facebook.com/events/968563256532228
Myriam Boucher’s videomusic work Cités has been selected for screening in the 4th edition of Seeing Sound (9–10 April 2016) in Bath (UK). Also on the programme are works by Bret Battey & Hugi Guðmundsson, Jean Piché, Matthew Schoen, Vibeke Sorensen & Kartik Seshadri, Luigi Allemano and Francesc Marti.
Seeing Sound is an informal practice-led symposium exploring multimedia work which foregrounds the relationship between sound and image. It explores areas such as visual music, abstract cinema, experimental animation, audiovisual performance and installation practice through paper sessions, screenings, performances and installations.

Devon Hansen in Soundwich #5
Thursday 12 November 2015 @ 19h30 | Conservatoire de Musique et d’Art Dramatique du Québec à Montréal http://www.facebook.com/events/889333541114511
Devon Hansen’s work Habitation was selected for performance in the 5th edition of Soundwich in Montréal.
Soundwich aims to create a network of young electroacoustic and experimental composers by presenting concerts in which students from local universities, self-taught sound artists and established composers share the stage. The programmes offer a blend of acousmatic, live performances, videomusic and mixed music.

Myriam Boucher in eviMus — 2. Saarbrücker Tage für elekroakustische und visuelle Musik
Wednesday 4 November 2015 @ 19h00 | KuBa — Kulturzentrum am EuroBahnhof (Saarbrücken, Germany) http://www.facebook.com/events/468683386651450
Myriam Boucher’s videomusic work Cités was selected for performance in the 2nd Saarbrücker Tage für elektroakustische und visuelle Musik (4–8 November 2015).
- [PDF] Festival programme
Xavier Madore in Akousma 12 — Fréquences pulsées / Pulsed Frequencies
Wednesday 28 October 2015 @ 20h00 | Usine C (Montréal QC) http://www.facebook.com/events/539743996183169
Xavier Madore’s Récit d’un presqu’aller-retour, the 1st Prize work in JTTP 2015, is on the programme of the opening concert of the 12th edition of Akousma (28–31 October). Also on the “Pulsed Frequencies” programme are past JTTP winners Fernando Alexis Franco Murillo (2014), Martin Bédard (2003, 2005) and Nicolas Bernier (2003, 2004).
The CEC is pleased to count AKOUSMA amongst the JTTP Project Partners since 2014. The 1st Prize winner from each edition of JTTP is presented in this annual festival of immersive digital music produced by Montréal’s Réseaux des arts médiatiques.
Akousma Festival. Since 2005, the AKOUSMA concert series has been committed to exploring every perspective on electroacoustic music in an effort to present the most accurate portrait of the current interests of composers working in an ever more diverse field. AKOUSMA is the place to discover the work of emerging composers from the local scene as well as that of internationally established and recognized composers. The convergence of æsthetic practices encountered at AKOUSMA is indeed a reflection of the dynamic and increasingly effervescent musical world in which we live today. The series is held every autumn at Usine C in Montréal.

KONTAKTE ’15 — Festival for Electronic Music and Sound Art
Sunday 27 September 2015 @ 12h00 | Akademie der Künste Berlin (Germany) http://www.facebook.com/events/621440701331549
The winners of the 16th edition of Jeu de temps / Times Play present their works in the annual international JTTP concert. Our Partner this year is the Kontakte Festival for Electronic Music and Sound Art, produced by the Akademie der Künste (AdK) in Berlin, Germany.
Gregorio Karman, Artistic Director of the festival and of the AdK’s Studio for Electroacoustic Music, coordinated a fantastic weekend chock full of weekend of concerts, presentations and installations. The Studio for Electroacoustic Music has a long tradition as a forum and laboratory for experimental sound art and the CEC is very pleased to collaborate with them on the presentation of this concert in the 2015 edition of Kontakte.
- [PDF] Download the festival flyer and the festival poster
- [PDF] Download the full festival programme from the AdK website
- [BERICHT] Blog entry about the festival on the AdK website (posted 5 November 2015; auf Deutsch)
The first edition of KONTAKTE — Festival for Electronic Music and Sound Art explores today’s internationally profiled positions in electroacoustic music and sound art. Geared towards a broad and diverse public, this three-day festival offers a space for debate and reflection on musical thought in our new media Age. From 25–27 September, a broad spectrum of music will fill the entire building of Berlin’s Akademie der Künste in Hanseatenweg. The rich programme will feature world premieres, classic avant-garde works, chamber music and live electronics in the form of concerts, sound installations, performance and films.
The name KONTAKTE is play on Stockhausen’s pioneering work of the same title (which proposed a new context for the connection of musical categories) as well as the name of a series of events coordinated in the 1980s by the Studio for Electroacoustic Music at the Akademie der Künste. The founder of the series, Georg Katzer, turns 80 this year, offering a festive occasion to relaunch KONTAKTE.
Radio Broadcasts
In reverse chronological order, here are the events featuring works from JTTP 2015 that followed the Official Launch of the results in September 2015.

Perdidos en el Espacio con Jaime Baeza
Monday 4 April 2016 @ 22h00 | Radio Universidad de Chile 102.5 FM (Santiago de Chile) http://www.facebook.com/events/1709203625962022
¡Otro emisión JTTP en español! Jaime Baeza features the winning works from this year’s edition of Jeu de Temps / Times Play (JTTP) on his weekly show, Perdidos en el Espacio, broadcast out of Santiago de Chile since 1995. Tanta música nueva tan breva la existencía para darse cuenta…
- [BLOG] “Programa lunes 4 de abril de 2016, ESPECIAL CEC” (posted 31 March 2016)
Perdidos en el Espacio offers an eclectic range of sonorous options, from electronic to post rock, reggae to concrete music, folk or ethnic to avant-garde. So much new music… so little time. Hosted by Jaime Baeza, Mondays 22:00–23:00 on Radio Universidad de Chile 102.5 FM (Santiago de Chile). Perdidos en el Espacio on Facebook.
Expansive Prairie Skies with Michael Elves
Friday 1 April 2016 @ 01h00 | UMFM 101.5 FM (Winnipeg MB) http://www.facebook.com/events/1771012169777825
No joke! Michael Elves presents winning works from Jeu de Temps / Times Play 2015 on two separate shows in the way early and early morning Friday. Elves’ interview with jef chippewa (CEC Admin) about the project and other CEC activities also features on Expansive Prairie Skies (1h00), and on Thank God it’s Free Range! (18h30).
Expansive Prairie Skies. Hosted by Michael Elves, Friday mornings 01:00–03:00 on UMFM 101.5 FM (Winnipeg MB).
Thank God it’s Free Range! with Michael Elves
Friday 1 April 2016 @ 18h30 | UMFM 101.5 FM (Winnipeg MB) http://www.facebook.com/events/1771012169777825
No joke! Michael Elves presents winning works from Jeu de Temps / Times Play 2015 on two separate shows in the way early and early morning Friday. Elves’ interview with jef chippewa (CEC Admin) about the project and other CEC activities also features on Expansive Prairie Skies (1h00), and on Thank God it’s Free Range! (18h30).
Thank God it’s Free Range! Join host (and UMFM Program Director) Michael Elves as he starts the weekend off with a rundown on upcoming shows, interviews with local, national and international artists, and all sorts of good music. Hosted by Michael Elves, Fridays 18:30–20:00 on UMFM 101.5 FM (Winnipeg MB).

UNDAE! Radio con Antony Maubert y El Equipo Elevador
Monday 15+22 February 2016 @ 22h00 | UNDAE! Radio / Radio Círculo (Madrid, Spain) http://www.facebook.com/events/677008475771313
An interview (¡en español!) with jef chippewa (CEC Admin) from November 2015 provides the structure for a two-part broadcast by UNDAE! Radio, one of JTTP’s brand newest Project Partners. In the first part, UNDÆ! talks with jef about his own compositions, his research into miniature form, and on his work specializing in new music notation. In the second part, broadcast a week later, the discussion centres around the CEC’s annual project for young composers/sound artists and the CEC’s varied activities.
- [PODCAST] UNDÆ! Radio nº 111 (15 Feb.) — jef chippewa #1 (en español)
- [PODCAST] UNDÆ! Radio nº 112 (22 Feb.) — jef chippewa #2 (en español)
UNDÆ! Radio is a space on Radio Círculo dedicated to electroacoustic music and æsthetics, to all tendencies in sound art and to innovative music realized with modern technologies. Hosted by Antony Maubert and El Equipo Elevador (Antonio Sánchez and Hertz Volta), Mondays 22:00–23:00 on UNDAE! Radio / Radio Círculo (Madrid, Spain). UNDÆ! Radio on Facebook.
Acoustic Frontiers with Ralph Hopper
Monday 9 November 2015 @ 12h30 | CKCU 93.1 FM (Ottawa ON) http://www.facebook.com/events/184244141909228
Ralph Hopper, an enthusiastic and long-time supporter of all things CEC and JTTP, features the winning works from this year’s Jeu de Temps / Times Play (JTTP) in November on Acoustic Frontiers, his weekly radio show dedicated to electroacoustic and related practices.
- [PODCAST] Acoustic Frontiers (9 Nov. 2015) — JTTP 2015
- [PODCAST] All Acoustic Frontiers playlists since 2009
Acoustic Frontiers. For a very different radio experience, tune in and have a listen to electroacoustic and computer-based sounds that cutting edge composers have been creating since the mid-1900s. Hosted by Ralph Hopper, Mondays 12:30–14:30 on CKCU 93.1 FM (Ottawa ON).
Electric Sense with James Bailey
Wednesday 4 November 2015 @ 23h00 | CIUT 89.5 FM (Toronto ON) http://www.facebook.com/events/1496276230700488
James Bailey, host of Electric Sense, as well as one of our highly esteemed and long-time JTTP supporters, features the winning works from this year’s edition of Jeu de Temps / Times Play (JTTP) in November. Also featured on the programme, a brief interview with CEC Administrator jef chippewa.
Electric Sense is a programme devoted to all that is new and creative in the exploration of sound. From the tightly composed to the wildly improvised and whatever may be found in between. Traditional instruments to new inventions. Acoustic, electroacoustic, purely electronic, field recordings and found sounds. Melodic to abrasive to totally indescribable. If you’ve heard it before, you probably won’t hear it here. Hosted by James Bailey, Wednesdays 23:00–00:00 on CIUT 89.5 FM (Toronto ON). Electric Sense on Facebook.
Where’s the Beat? with Eliot Handelman and Andie Sigler
Wednesday 14 October 2015 @ 9h00 | CKUT 90.3 FM (Montréal QC) http://www.facebook.com/events/1528288117463377
JTTP 2015 winners join Eliot Handelman and Andie Sigler in the CKUT on-air studio for some engaging discussion and music. Going back over a decade, our annual tradition of having JTTP guests live on Where’s the Beat? continues in October!
Where’s The Beat? is an irreverent, honest, no-holds-barred presentation of contemporary classical and electroacoustic music, punctuated by discussion of related issues. Hosted by Eliot Handelman and Andie Sigler, Wednesdays 09:00–11:00 on CKUT 90.3 FM (Montréal QC). Where’s the Beat? on Facebook.
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