Guidelines for Writers Submitting to eContact!
The Canadian Electroacoustic Community’s online journal for electroacoustic practices
Please read the following text carefully before beginning to prepare your submission, and review it again before sending your submission.
Submissions MUST be prepared using our template and using only the styles found in the template.
- Formatting Guidelines
General | Hyperlinks | Images - Permissions and Online References
The Author’s Responsibility | Internet References - Bibliography and Reference Materials
Preparing Your Bibliography | Examples of Bibliographical Entries - Preparing and Sending Your Submission
Materials to Include as Attachments | Information to Include in the Body of the Email
1. Formatting Guidelines

Provide your article as a Microsoft Word document (using the eContact! SUBMISSION TEMPLATE) using only the styles found in the template.
Do not format the document otherwise (columns, section breaks, etc.). Styles can be accessed via a menu at the top left of your MS Word document, normally to the left of the font menu.
See the template for various examples of proper formatting and organization of your text (references, citations, audio/video materials, etc.).
Do not submit html documents.
Do not enlarge or reduce the point size of any text: use styles exactly as they appear in the template.
Titles of journals, musical works and CDs mentioned in the article should be in italics, not in quotation marks. (Slight difference in bibliographic entries: see below.)
Avoid overuse of quotation marks (a.k.a. “scare quotes”).
Do not hyperlink text, simply include the full web address (include “http://” prefix) inline at an appropriate position to indicate links to us, e.g.:
The CEC’s journal of electroacoustics, eContact! <>, is blah blah…
More articles are available on her website <>.
Do not waste time formatting or positioning the image(s) in your text. If you place them at all in the body of the article (which we strongly discourage!), simply position them at a point in the text that makes it clear what the image relates to, we will deal with the layout. Also send all images as a separate zipped archive (see §4 below, Materials to Include as Attachments).
Provide a caption for each image at the appropriate point in the text, using the “figcaption” style, e.g.:
Figure 1. Left to right, the author and three anonymous admirers. Photo © 2017 Bob the Fisherman.
Video 1 (4:56). Excerpt from AuthorName’s WorkTitle (2016) performed by EnsembleName during FestivalOrContext at VenueName in City (Country) on 00 Month 2017.
Video 2. Trailer for Author Name’s videomusic work Title of Work (2016). Include performance info if relevant. YouTube/Vimeo video “Title of Online Video” (10:07) posted by “username” on 00 Month 2018.
2. Permissions and Online References
The Author’s Responsibility
The authors are responsible for securing all permissions for use of any images or sound files used in their articles, and are strongly encouraged to keep copies of these.
Internet References
Download any web-based materials cited in your article for future reference. Link rot is common and your source may at some point in the future be unavailable on the Internet.
3. Bibliography / Works Cited / Reference Materials
Preparing Your Bibliography
The author is responsible for providing COMPLETE BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION and for carefully making sure the entries conform to our examples below.
References (to items in your bibliography) in the article body should be indicated with the author’s family name, year of publication and page numbers in parentheses (Smith 2000, 123–125).
- Provided full names for all authors (“Another Person”, not “A. Person”);
- Provided full publication dates (Month Year) for journal issues;
- Verified that punctuation is complete;
- Not abbreviated any journal title names (Audio Engineering Society, not Aud. Eng. Soc.).
Examples of Bibliographic Entries
Use the following format for bibliographic entries in English-language articles. If your article is in French, consult the French bibliography format guide here.
NB: The CEC published an Electroacoustic Bibliography page in eContact! 8.4 that contains many common electroacoustic-related sources. Feel free to copy complete bibliographic entries directly from that page.
Articles in Journals and Conference Papers
FamilyName, GivenName. “Article Title.” Journal Title 40/2 (Summer 2016) “Journal Theme If Applicable,” pp. 123–145.
FamilyName1, GivenName1, Given2 Family2, Given3 Family3 and Given4 Family4. “Article Title.” SMC 2018: “Sonic Crossings.” Proceedings of the 15th International Sound and Music Computing Conference (Limassol, Cyprus: Cyprus University of Technology, 4–7 July 2018).
Books and Book Chapters, Thesis
FamilyName1, GivenName1 and Given2 Family2 (Eds.). Book Title. Trans. Translator’s Full Name. London: MacMillan Press, 2016.
FamilyName, GivenName. “Book Chapter Title.” In Book Title. 2nd edition, vol. 8. Edited by GivenName FamilyName. Cambridge MA: The MIT Press, 2016, pp. 123–124.
_____. “Thesis Title.” Unpublished doctoral dissertation / master’s thesis, University Name, 2016.
FamilyName, GivenName. BookTitle (2011). City: Publisher, 2018. Kindle ed.
Other Text Sources (Interview, Newspaper)
FamilyName, GivenName. Personal Interview / Email exchange / Private correspondence. 29 February 2016.
FamilyName, GivenName. “Article Title.” Newspaper Name [City in square brackets if not included in Newspaper Name] 29 February 2016. [Last accessed 5 March 2018]
Media (Audio and/or Video) and artwork
FamilyName, GivenName. Composition Title (2016), for bass flute, Hammond Organ and 8-channel tape. CD-rom.
FamilyName, GivenName. Composition Title (2016), for bass flute, Hammond Organ and 8-channel tape. Score (Mainz: Schott Music, 2018).
FamilyName, GivenName. “Track Title.” Media Title. Orchestra Name conducted by Conductor Name. Montréal: empreintes DIGITALes CatalogueNumber, 2016. CD.
FamilyName, GivenName (Dir.). Film Title. With ActorName1, ActorName2 and ActorName3. Paramount Pictures, 2016. DVD (MGM Home Video, 2018).
FamilyName, GivenName. Painting Title. 1950–51. Oil on canvas. New York: Museum of Modern Art.
Online and Social Media Sources
Wikipedia contributors. “Open Source.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation Inc. [Last accessed 5 March 2018]
FamilyName, GivenName. Composition Title (2013). YouTube video “Full Title on YouTube” (0:00) posted by “Username” on 31 August 2015. [Last accessed 5 March 2018]
FamilyName, GivenName. Documentary Title (2011). Vimeo video “Full Title on Vimeo” (0:00) posted by “Username” on 28 February 2013. [Last accessed 5 March 2018]
4. Preparing and Sending Your Submission
Send all materials by email to eContact! Coordinating Editor, jef chippewa.
Materials to Include as Attachments
- Article in a single MS Word document: lastname_titlekeyword.doc.
- All images (highest resolution possible) as a separate stuffed archive:
- All audio and video emailed (or uploaded) as a separate stuffed archive:
Information to Include in the Body of the Email
- Summary of your article relating to the issue’s theme, a maximum of 40 words to be used in the issue’s Table of Contents (for example, see the 19.3 TOC here).
- Author contact information using the following block — do not remove any lines or reformat! NB: Contact/address info is used for CEC administrative purposes only and will never be made public nor shared with any other persons or institutions.
WWW: http://
- Photo (mugshot) of yourself, with a brief caption and the name of the photographer / copyright holder as needed.
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