Sound Travels 2002

Schedule of Events
The Fourth Annual Outdoor Island Event
17 August – 29 September 2002
Toronto ON: various venues
[Click on a name below for the artist’s biography and on a title for the program note]
12:30 p.m. Centre Island Ferry Docks
John D.S. Adams and Erin Donovan improvise using John Little’s sound sculpture, Sagromides of Venus.
1:00 p.m. Centre Island Ferry Docks (at the clock tower)
A guided Soundwalk that will take participants from the Centre Island Ferry Docks to Gibraltar Point.
2:00 p.m. Gibraltar Point Centre for the Arts
An outdoor 8-channel (octaphonic) concert featuring the following works.
- Maggie Payne — System Test (fire and ice)
- Wende Bartley and Lori Freedman — Underbelly, for bass clarinet and tape
- Lori Freedman — No Man’s Clan, for bass clarinet and tape
- Marilyn Lerner — The Toll
- David Eagle — Paths (concert version)
[see related article by Eagle, “Without Beginning, Middle or End: Transforming sounds in motion”] - Wende Bartley — Visitation from the Seven Hathors, with Laura Wilcox playing viola
4:00 p.m. Gibraltar Point Centre for the Arts
Seminar with David Eagle and Lori Freedman on the role of improvisation in electroacoustics.
5:00 p.m. Water Filtration Plant
Join us for a guided tour of the Sound Installations in the Sign Waves — Phase II series and a chance to meet the artists.
Sign Waves — Phase II / Sound Installations
Chemistry Building, Water Filtration Plant
Hanlan’s Point, Toronto Island
- Darren Copeland — Reservoir
[see related article by Copeland, “Sound Installations: Altering the experience of space”] - Michael Davey and Delwyn Higgins — Watercolour
- Bentley Jarvis — Distributed Resonance
[see related article by Jarvis, “Engaging the Visual and Auditory Senses”] - vivienne spiteri and Rob Godman — inside the eye of silence
[see related article by the artists, “inside the eye of silence”]
Sound Travels Team
Board of Directors: James Bailey, Clarissa DeYoung and Ron Gaskin
Artistic Director: Darren Copeland
Concert Technician: Paul Hodge
Publicity / Marketing: Nadene Thériault-Copeland
Thanks to all our volunteers!
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