[Jeu de temps / Times Play 2014]
Radio Launch, Broadcasts, Concerts and Other Events
Winners / Gagnants | Submissions / Soumissions | Events / Événements | Awards / Prix | CD Cache 2014 | Jury
Another component of the annual Jeu de temps / Times Play project is the public presentation of selected works in various contexts in Canada and internationally. There are different formats for these events, but all have the same goal of helping the CEC to promote the work of young and/or emerging composers and/or sound artists living in or from Canada in various national and international contexts.
Several radio broadcasts are coordinated that present the top 5 winning works from JTTP 2014, while some of our Radio Partners allot a complete show in order to be able to play the entire Cache 2014 CD, a compilation of eight works selected by the international jury. In other cases, such as the DEGEM WebRadio presentation this year, the Partner makes a choice from amongst all the submissions (this year we received 50 submissions in total) to create their own curated presentation.
With this year’s 15th edition, a new practice of having winners presented in prestigious festival contexts has begun. Among our newest partners are Montréal’s Akousma Festival, who have committed to presenting the 1st Prize work on an annual basis in their fall festival, and Festival Dias de Música Electroacústica (DME), our special JTTP 2014 partner. The CEC collaborated with DME this year to present three concerts, including one featuring the winning JTTP 2014 works.
These radio and concert presentations are an excellent complement to the extensive prize packages awarded to the top 5 placing composers, and we are very happy and proud to be have these generous individuals and institutions offering their continued support to the project!
Official Launch of the Results
17 September 2014: JTTP 2014 Launch / Lancement — Where’s the Beat? with Eliot Handelman
[E] The official launch of the results from JTTP 2014 took place on Wednesday, 17 September 2014 on Where’s The Beat? (Montréal’s CKUT-FM), hosted by Eliot Handelman. Check out the podcast to listen to the winning works and interviews with some of the winners present in the CKUT studio!
[F] Le lancement des résultats de JTTP 2014 aura lieu mercredi, le 17 septembre pendant l'émission Where's The Beat? (CKUT-MF, Montréal), présenté par Eliot Handelman. À l'écoute sont les pièces gagnantes et des interviews (en studio) avec quelques-uns des gagnants.
Where’s The Beat?
Irreverent, honest, no-holds-barred presentation of contemporary classical and electroacoustic music, punctuated by discussion of related issues. Hosted by Eliot Handelman.
Wednesdays 09:00–11:00 EDT
CKUT 90.3 FM
Montréal QC, Canada
Subsequent Radio Broadcasts and Concerts
In reverse chronological order, here are the events featuring works from JTTP 2014 that followed the Official Launch of the results in September 2014.
25 May + 1 June 2015: JTTP 2014 Broadcast — GroundSwell Radio with Eliot Britton
Our newest JTTP Project Partner, Eliot Britton, presents the winning works from the 15th edition of Jeu de Temps / Times Play (JTTP) over two shows of GroundSwell Radio, an initiative of GroundSwell, Manitoba’s only series dedicated to presenting contemporary music.
GroundSwell Radio
People are still writing classical music! Tune into GroundSwell Radio for chamber and orchestral music from the 20th century and beyond. Winnipeg’s only new music radio broadcast brought to you by Winnipeg’s only new music concert series. Hosted by Eliot Britton.
Mondays 14:00–15:00 (local)
CKUW 95.9 FM
Winnipeg MB
GroundSwell on Facebook
18 March 2015: JTTP 2014 Broadcast — Foldover with Tom Lopez
Winning works from this year's edition of Jeu de Temps / Times Play (JTTP) will be presented on the next edition of Foldover.
Various flavours & scents of freeform computer music. Completely unique, not on your iPod. Hosted by Tom Lopez.
Wednesdays 18:00–19:00 EDT
WOBC 91.5 FM Alternative Radio
Oberlin OH, USA
14 February 2015: JTTP 2014 winners in the 21st Festival Dias de Música Electroacústica
Join us at the next edition of Dias de Música Electroacústica (DME) where the winners of the 15th edition of Jeu de temps / Times Play will present their works in concert.
Dias de Música Electroacústica
Launched in 2003 and based in Seia, Portugal, DME is held 2–3 times per year, with supplementary editions held in other cities in Portugal, other European countries and abroad. The 21st Seia edition of the festival features three concerts, one of these presenting the winning works from this year’s edition of Jeu de temps / Times Play (JTTP).
Saturday, 14 February at 21:30
Conservatório de Música de Seia
Seia, Portugal
The CEC collaborated with DME on this edition and presented a concert of miniatures curated by CEC Admin Jef Chippewa (13 Feb.), a concert of the winning JTTP 2014 works and a concert of videomusic works curated by Joseph Hyde (15 Feb.).
February-March 2015: JTTP 2014 Selections on DEGEM WebRadio
For two months, DEGEM WebRadio had a two-hour feature on JTTP 2014 as one of their channels. Curated by Michael Hoeldke, the programme featured a broad selection of works, interspersed with commentary and clips from Hoeldke’s interview with CEC Admin jef chippewa.
DEGEM WebRadio programme featuring JTTP 2014, which played in February and March 2015.
02 February 2015: JTTP 2014 Broadcast — Perdidos en el Espacio with Jaime Baeza
Winning works from this year’s edition of Jeu de Temps / Times Play (JTTP) will be presented on the first February edition of Perdidos en el Espacio, hosted by Jaime Baeza.
Perdidos en el Espacio
An eclectic range of sonorous options, from electronic to post rock, reggae to concrete music, folk or ethnic to avant-garde. So much new music… so little time. Hosted by Jaime Baeza.
Mondays 22:00–23:00 in UTC-03
Radio Universidad de Chile 102.5 FM
Santiago de Chile, Chile
19 December 2014: JTTP 2014 Broadcast — The Night Shift with Luca Capone
Winning works from this year's edition of Jeu de Temps / Times Play (JTTP) will be presented on the December 19–20 edition of The Night Shift.
The Night Shift
The Night Shift is an open-format program that explores all varieties of music, in particular those that skirt along the edges of genre and occasionally plummet into the unknown. Hosted by Luca Capone with Matthew Fava.
Saturday mornings (Friday nights) 00:01–02:00
CHRY 105.5 FM
Toronto ON, Canada
05+08 November 2014: JTTP 2014 Winners in Akousma Festival
The 1st prize winners of this and last year’s Jeu de temps / Times Play (JTTP) feature among the works presented in the upcoming 11th edition of Akousma (5–8 Nov).
5 Nov @20h • concret_éclaté
James O'Callaghan — Objects-Interiors
JTTP 2013 1st prize
8 Nov @20h • résonance_concaténée
Line Katcho — Aiguillage [Switches & Crossings]
JTTP 2014 1st prize
The CEC is pleased to have Akousma as a new JTTP Project Partner starting in 2014. Starting in 2014, each year’s JTTP 1st prize winner will be presented in the annual festival. Starting this practice, in the 11th edition of Akousma (5–8 November 2014), both the 2014 and 2013 winners will be presented.
Akousma 2014
Usine C
Montreal QC, Canada
03 November: JTTP 2014 Broadcast — Acoustic Frontiers with Ralph Hopper
Winning works from this year’s edition of Jeu de Temps / Times Play (JTTP) will be presented on the next edition of Acoustic Frontiers.
Acoustic Frontiers
For a very different radio experience, tune in and have a listen to electroacoustic and computer-based sounds that cutting edge composers have been creating since the mid-1900s. Hosted by Ralph Hopper.
Mondays 12:30–14:30 EST
CKCU 93.1 FM
Ottawa ON, Canada
10 October 2014: JTTP 2014 Broadcast — Expansive Prairie Skies + Thank God it’s Free Range
Winning works from this year's edition of Jeu de Temps / Times Play (JTTP) will be presented on 2 separate shows hosted by UMFM’s Michael Elves in the way early and early morning this Friday. The shows will also feature an interview Elves did with CEC Admin jef chippewa about the project and other CEC activities.
- Expansive Prairie Skies — All winning works + interview
- Thank God it’s Free Range! — 1st prize winner Line Katcho’s work + interview
Expansive Prairie Skies
Friday mornings 01:00–03:00
UMFM 101.5 FM
Winnipeg MB, Canada
Hosted by Michael Elves.
Thank God it’s Free Range!
Join host (and UMFM Program Director) Michael Elves as he starts the weekend off with a rundown on upcoming shows, interviews with local, national and international artists, and all sorts of good music.
Fridays 18:30–20:00
UMFM 101.5 FM
Winnipeg MB, Canada
08+15 October 2014: JTTP 2014 Broadcast — Electric Sense with James Bailey [2 parts]
Winning works from this year’s edition of Jeu de Temps / Times Play (JTTP) will be presented on the next two broadcasts of Electric Sense.
Electric Sense
A programme devoted to all that is new and creative in the exploration of sound. From the tightly composed to the wildly improvised and whatever may be found in between. Traditional instruments to new inventions. Acoustic, electroacoustic, purely electronic, field recordings and found sounds. Melodic to abrasive to totally indescribable. If you've heard it before, you probably won't hear it here. Hosted by James Bailey.
Wednesdays 23:00–00:00 EDT
CIUT 89.5 FM
Toronto ON, Canada
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