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2. Knife-Edge 3. Lookout 4. Conservatory 5. Sunken Garden Acoustic Ecology Composing
Website Intro 6. Creek 7. Quarry Back to Lookout Listening Dialogue


Hildegard Westerkamp has been performing soundwalks for many years. They are an integral part of her approach to soundscape composition. She always begins each soundwalk by identifying the place, date and time of recording, since she recognizes that places sound different from time to time, and of course the results of the soundwalk differ depending on who is doing the recording.


Westerkamp has done other soundwalks in this location. A description of such a soundwalk formed part of her article entitled "Soundwalking", published in Sound Heritage 3(4), 1974: 18-27. One change in the QE Park soundscape since that time is that the fountains in this entrance area are no longer functioning. The silent workings for one of the fountains is on the right-hand side of this photo, just above the steps. As you listen to the sounds, note the many human languages heard in this excerpt, something that we heard throughout the soundwalk in this park. Also, you can hear the distant sound of a train horn, creating a sense of acoustic space.

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