Reviews, Previews and New Releases
Women Composers and Music Technology in the United States: Crossing the Line

This book is the most definitive attempt to date to discuss the achievements of women as composers of experimental and avant-garde music from the 1930s to the present day. Using a wealth of primary material, it also explores currently relevant issues in gender and technology. Drawing out the relationships between composers and their working environments, and between teachers and students, Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner discusses the contribution of women composers to electroacoustic music. Includes a bibliography and discography covering the work of ninety composers.
Contents: Introduction; Precedents and pioneers; A generation of growth and influence; Continued promise for the future; In the spotlight: role models rise in the mainstream; Finding their visual voice: composers explore multimedia technology; Where are we now?; Sources for electroacoustic music by women; Selected discography; Bibliography; Index.
Available through Ashgate Publishing
March 2006, 308 pages, Hardback, 0 7546 0461 6, $79.95 USD.
Analytical Methods of Electroacoustic Music
A new book entitled Analytical Methods of Electroacoustic Music edited by Mary Simoni is now available from Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.
Analytical Methods of Electroacoustic Music explores electroacoustic music analysis through the careful examination of eight representative compositions using various analytical techniques. The essays selected for inclusion in this book represent the breadth of creativity in the field — from music for stereophonic playback to multichannel multimedia opera. The breadth of electroacoustic genres and the multitude of perspectives supported by various analytical methods yield a depth of meaning to the understanding of electroacoustic music never before presented in a single book.
Contents: Acknowledgments; Introduction, by Mary Simoni; Visualization of Musical Signals, by Norman Adams; The Intention/Reception Project, by Leigh Landy; Paul Lansky’s “As If”, by Mary Simoni; Alvin Lucier’s “I am sitting in a room”, by Benjamin Broening; Jonathan Harvey’s “Mortuos Plango, Vivos Voco”, by Michael Clarke; Philippe Manoury’s “Jupiter”, by Andrew May; Barry Truax’s “Riverrun”, by Mara Helmuth; Philippe Manoury’s “Opera K...”, by Momilani Ramstrum; Annotated Bibliography; Glossary; Contributors; Index.
Routledge Taylor and Francis
December, 2005. 312pp. Hard and Soft cover with DVD that includes images, recordings, and video. ISBN 0415976294. $95 USD (hardcover).
International Alliance for Women in Music Congress 2006
The International Alliance for Women in Music Congress 2006 will be held in Miami, Florida USA May 10–13, 2006 on the campus of Florida International University.
The 2006 IAWM Congress focuses on women’s unique musical perspectives from around the world. The theme, “Women in Music: Global Perspectives,” refers not only to ethnography and sociology, but also to broader artistic visions. The 2006 IAWM Congress will highlight traditional performance and compositional practices with technology, multimedia, and performance art; academic and non-academic approaches to music; women of the past with women of the present; and other issues relevant to the Congress theme. Additional areas of interest include, but are not limited to, education, women’s music in non-Western cultures, women composers and performers of non-Western musics, and feminist music and musicology.
The International Alliance for Women in Music builds awareness of women’s contributions to musical life through its publications, website, international competitions, conferences, concert promotion, and presentation, and through its support of entrepreneurial and publishing activities, scholarly research and publications, broadcasts, educational initiatives, and advocacy work.
The IAWM was incorporated in the USA in 1994, uniting three distinguished organizations; the International Congress on Women in Music, the American Women Composers, and the International League of Women Composers.
Please visit the official IAWM Congress 2006 website for program and travel information, or contact:
Dr. Kristine H. Burns
Host, International Alliance for Women in Music Congress 2006
Florida International University
School of Music, UP Campus
Miami, FL 33199 USA
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