Score of Point-virgule
(electro-clip by Jean-François Denis)

© Rajmil Fischman, 1999
- Each of the five occurrences of sound family A in this section has some characteristics of other sound families.
- Although the sound belongs to sound family B, its appended termination may be related to family D.
- This sound may be considered as a hybrid of families C and D.
- This sound may be seen as a derived form of sound family B.
- This may be considered as a hybrid of families B and D, which is closer to family D.
- This may be considered as a hybrid of families C and E.
- This may be considered as another hybrid of families B and D which is closer to family B.
Fischman, R. 1995. A Systematic Approach to the Analysis of Music for Tape. In Proceedings, International Computer Music Conference, Digital Playgrounds, ICMC 1995. Banff: International Computer Music Association, 467-74.
Fischman, R. 1997. Analysis of Crosstalk, a work by Michael Vaughan. Organised Sound Vol. 2, No. 3, 225-252.
Nattiez, J. J. 1982. Trans. Barry, A. Varèses "Density 21.5": A study in semiological analysis. Music Analysis 1/3, 243-340.
Smalley, D. 1986. Spectro-morphology and Structuring Processes. In S. Emmerson (ed.) The Language of Electroacoustic Music. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 61-93.
Smalley, D. 1997. Spectromorphology: explaining sound- shapes. Organised Sound Vol. 2, No. 2, 107-120.
Denis, J.-F. Point-virgule. In Électro clips. 25 x 3 minutes. Montréal: Diffusion i MéDIA, empreintes DIGITALes, IMED 9604, re-print 1996.
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