ix 1999
by John Levack Drever
'Crabfish': a sonic postcard by John Levack Drever
A sonic postard from Darmouth, Devon, summer 1997. This sonic event has been abstracted through the agency of digital media from its autochthonal seaside environment and without any further temporal or spectral modifications is re-presented and re-framed.
In this abstraction we can observe a highly structure musical form generated by four performers in an unstaged (notwithstanding the visible presence of a microphone) everyday social interaction.
John Levack Drever was born in Edinburgh in 1973. He studied composition with Andrew Lewis, Simon Waters and Joseph Hyde. Currently he is undertaking theoretical and practical research at Dartington College of Arts. His research concerns the crossovers and interstices between acoustic ecology, digital technologies, acousmatic music, site-specific composition and cross-artform collaboration
Recent presentations include:
Isea98 (Liverpool); VII Festival Nacional de Musica Electroacustica (Havana); Future98 (Lyon); SON-MU 98, Ina-GRM (Paris); 2nd & 3rd Annual Santa Fe International Festival of Electro-Acoustic Music; International Computer Music Festival 98 (Kobe); La Musique Concrète jubile à Paris; Varèse, 40th Anniversary Event, @ Mills College; One Voice (Edinburgh); Logos Foundation (Ghent); Cycle de concerts de musique par ordinateur 1998/99 (Paris); MULTIPHONIES 99, Ina-GRM (Paris).
John's work has featured in the annual Musica Nova competition, Prague, he has been commissioned by the Groupe de Recherches Musicales, and has been published by Audio Research Editions & DOC(K)S. He tutor Sonic Art at Exeter University and Dartington College of Arts, and is currently involved in organising the UK Soundscape Community, a new UK based group for acoustic ecology (soundscapeuk@mailbase.ac.uk)
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