CC New Music Questionnaire
Respondent Name:
Respondent Title:
Interview Date:
Interview Start Time:
End Time:
In Person
By phone
Written Response
In each section, there may be more than one answer.
Profile of Artist/Ensemble/Organization
I am an independent artist producing my own work The company is an ensemble with no regular employees other than the ensemble members A single person makes both artistic and administrative decisions for the company Artistic decisions are made for the company by a single person Artistic decisions are made for the company by one person, assisted by an advisory committee Artistic decisions are made for the company by a collective of artists Administrative decisions are made for the company by a single person Administrative decisions are made for the company by one person, assisted by an advisory committee Administrative decisions are made for the company by a collective of artists The company is registered not-for-profit The company has charitable status The company is incorporated or registered as a a single proprietorship as a for-profit business
Frequency of Production, per year
a "season" of productions irregular project production 1 project/event 2-5 projects/events 5-10 projects/events more than 10 projects/events
Administrative Space
only during production year-round based in someone's home outside the home shared
Lease/Own Share Use Would like to share
IBM Computer Macintosh Computer
Modem/Internet account Photocopier Fax machine Scanner Laser or jet printer Colour printer CD duplication equipment Staffing
The company has a paid
Full-time Part-Time Volunteer
Artistic Director General Manager Administrative Assistant Publicist Marketing Director Tour Manager Fundraiser Education/Outreach Coordinator Technical Director Other Staff Positions
Productions involve approximately _______ artists (composers, performers) per year.
Productions involve approximately _______ support personnel (tech, front of house) per year.
The company uses approximately _________volunteers (not including board members) per year.
Has the number of full-time employees increased / decreased/stayed the same in the last five years?
Has the number of part-time employees increased / decreased/stayed the same in the last five years?
Has the number of artists employed increased / decreased/stayed the same in the last five years?
Has the number of volunteers increased / decreased/stayed the same in the last five years?
When you are undertaking to produce a project, who generally does the administration?
Administrative Duties
Hired on a contract basis Done within company by Would hire if available and we could afford
On Every Project Sometimes Never
Artist hiring _________________________
Obtaining and distributing scores and parts _________________________
Liaising with composers and performers, post-hire _________________________
Determining number of rehearsal hours _________________________
Scheduling rehearsals and booking space _________________________
Bookkeeping _________________________
Financial Planning, Cash Flow, Budgets _________________________
Payroll, T4/T4A summaries _________________________
Audits _________________________
Grant Preparation _________________________
Board Development _________________________
Tour Development _________________________
Tour Management _________________________
Education/Outreach _________________________
Fundraising _________________________
Marketing _________________________
Promotional materials (brochures, posters, ads) _________________________
research and text
Promotional materials design _________________________
Photographer _________________________
Promotional materials production _________________________
Promotional materials distribution _________________________
Audio materials production _________________________
Group Sales _________________________
Mailing List Maintenance _________________________
Box Office Reservation Line _________________________
Web design and maintenance _________________________
Media Relations _________________________
Publicity _________________________
Press releases _________________________
Programs and program notes, research and text _________________________
Programs and program notes, design and production_________________________
Technical Direction _________________________
Technical services and development _________________________
Stage Management _________________________
Front of House _________________________
Other (specify) _________________________
Of all the administrative activity that now takes place within the company, which task would you first hire somebody from outside the company to do?
Is there any administrative aspect of producing a project that you would always do yourself, regardless of what services were available? What?
Artistic Activity
What activities would you like to add to your season, either artistic or in support of artistic activity?
Why have you not undertaken these activities?
Has E-mail or the Web (or other 'e'-services) impacted any administrative or artistic activity
Have you other thoughts regarding administrative or artistic staffing
My/our annual budget is approximately $
Do you receive government funding? If so, what kind, and approximate amounts
Federal Provincial Municipal Special/Other (specify)
$________ $________ $________ $________
If you think of your operating budget today compared to your operating budget five years ago, are expenses allocated pretty much the same way?
Are there categories of expense that have increased substantially?
Do you regularly fundraise? Yes No
Your fundraising is general event-based both
Corporate Individual Foundation
Who usually undertakes this activity? ________________________
Approximately how many donors do you have to your organization? _______________
Has this increased or decreased in the last five years?
Approximately how much in dollars is donated to your organization each year? _______________
Has this increased or decreased in the last five years?
What is the approximate audience size per concert or event?
What is your approximate total audience size per year?
Has the size of your audience increased or decreased over the last 5 years?
To what do you attribute this increase or decrease?
Where (geographically) do you draw the majority of your audience from?
What practice do you believe would best help you increase your audience size, if you could afford/had the time to do it?
Rehearsal Space
We have our own rehearsal space
We use a member/employee's space as rehearsal space for no cost
We rent rehearsal space on a per concert basis
We have a season (3 or more concerts) deal/contract with a rehearsal space
We move our rehearsals to different spaces throughout the year and we do so for:
artistic choices/suitability availability combination of above
Would you stay with one rehearsal space for the year if you could?
Yes No
Available, affordable rehearsal space are adequate to our needs
Yes No If "No", because of
size technical support personnel cost production needs - good equipment, decent piano other (specify)
Has the rehearsal space situation gotten worse in recent years in terms of:
Yes No cost
Yes No choice/availability
Yes No have you rented rehearsal space from other disciplines - theatre, dance
Yes No are these alternative rehearsal spaces adequate to your needs as above
Have you ever rented rehearsal space and brought in everything else:
piano sound system technical staff other (specify)
Yes No can you realistically budget for rehearsal space costs?
Yes No can you confirm all your rehearsal space at the start of the season?
Is there one "best" rehearsal space for new music in town?
Why is this the best?
Have you other thoughts regarding rehearsal space?
We have our own venue We rent our venues on a per concert basis We have a season (3 or more concerts) deal/contract with a venue
We move our concerts to different venues throughout the year and we do so for:
artistic choices/suitability availability of venues combination of above
Yes No Would you stay with one venue for the year if you could?
Available, affordable venues are adequate to our needs
Yes No If "No", because of
size technical support personnel cost production needs - good equipment, decent piano ambiance accessibility to public other (specify)
Has the venue situation gotten worse in recent years in terms of:
Yes No cost
Yes No choice/availability
Yes No access
Yes No have you rented venues from other disciplines - theatre, dance
Yes No are these alternative venues adequate to your needs as above
Have you ever rented a venue and brought in everything else:
piano sound system technical staff chairs other (specify)
Yes No can you realistically budget for venue costs
Yes No can you confirm all your venues at the start of the season?
Yes No will your audience follow you to any venue - especially those 'outside' the milieu or do they tend to herd to familiar venues?
Is there one "best" venue for new music in town?
Why is this the best?
Have you other thoughts regarding venues?
Touring/International Activity
Yes No Is touring and international activity currently important to your organization?
Yes No Does your organization regularly hire international artists?
Yes No Would your organization engage in more touring and nternational activity if it could, either imported or exported?
What is necessary for this to happen?
If you have ever hired or regularly hire a publicist:
Yes No Is this publicist knowledgeable about new music?
Yes No Does that matter?
Yes No Is there more than one knowledgeable publicist available in your city?
Yes No Has hiring a publicist proven effective?
Yes No Has hiring a publicist proven affordable?
How do you split publicity tasks between in-house and contracted services?
Yes No Do you use the broadcast media to publicize and disseminate your work?
If yes, which media? and which specific media outlets?
How would you characterize your access to these media?
How would you assess the effect of this access to your company's activities?
Yes No Do you use the print media to publicize your work?
If yes, which media? and which specific media outlets?
Do you regularly purchase paid advertising?
What do you believe is the most effective vehicle for paid advertising in your area?
Yes No Do you use the electronic media to publicize and disseminate your work?
If yes, how?
What do you believe is the one most effective marketing tool or medium that you regularly use?
What other marketing tool would you use if your company could afford it?
What do you believe is the one most effective publicity outlet that you regularly use?
What other publicity outlet would you use if your company could afford it?
Have your marketing practices changed in recent years and if so due to:
cost effectiveness
Yes No has E-mail or the Web impacted any of the above
Do you have any other thought on publicity, marketing, or dissemination?
Mailing Lists/Group Promotional Activity
If you have ever used or regularly use a mailing list:
Yes No do you have your own
Yes No is it maintained regularly
Yes No do you share with other organizations
If so, who maintains it _______________________________________
Yes No Do other new music organizations demonstrate a willingness to share?
Yes No is there one list in your city that captures most of the concert-goers?
Please describe it: ________________________________________
Yes No do you buy lists from other music organizations /other disciplines
Who does your actual mailing
in house another organization contracted out
Yes No Do you 'stuff' programs for other events
Yes No do you jointly advertise
organized regularly
ad hoc
Does any person/organization regularly take on these initiatives in the community _______________
Other shared or joint practices _______________________________________________________
Have you other thoughts regarding group promotional activity?
The company has a Board of Directors How many members?: ___________
Yes No Is your Board predominantly made up of artists in your discipline
Yes No Other arts professionals (artistic/administrative) from larger organizations?
Yes No Does your Board include professionals such as accountants, lawyers
What professions?
What is the average tenure for a board member?
Yes No Is your Board effective in areas beyond artistic decisions?
Name these areas: ___________________________________________________________
I would characterize the board as a
working board
advisory board
Name the working committees the current board has: ________________________________
Yes No Do members of your Board obtain resources for the organization?
office space/equipment
in-kind or real services/discounts
other Board recruits or resource people
Yes No Does your Board have a 'hands-on' role in any specific area?
selling tickets
audience development
providing needed services (such as legal, accounting etc) to your organization?
Other areas: ___________________________________________________________
Yes No Does your Board actively and successfully fund-raise?
Yes No Is its fundraising sufficient to your needs?
How are new board members chosen/recruited?
Is this an easy or a difficult process?
Yes No Does your Board meet on a regular basis
Yes No Is there any expertise about Boards on your Board or in your organization?
Yes No does your Board change/evolve/grow enough to benefit the organization-too much /not enough
How else is your Board an asset to your organization?
If you had a choice, would you continue to maintain a board for your organization?
Other Comments
CC New Music Questionnaire
Org. or respondent name ___________________
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