Cache 2000 CD

The 14 individuals below were the top scoring composers in the Jeu de temps / Times Play competition, and have a work on the CD compilation Cache 2000. The competition had 27 eligible submissions, and another 10 which were too long for official inclusion. The feedback from the 36 jury members was very positive. Cache 2000 and Jeu de temps / Times Play are components of the CEC's much larger project for young and emerging sound artists.
- David Berezan — Gathering (1999 / 5:02)
- Nicolas Borycki — Le Diable au Teint Orageux (1999 / 4:16)
- Christian Bouchard — tonicité(1997 / 4:06)
- jef chippewa — Duo (2:41)
- Yves Gigon — Crickpet (1999 / 3:00)
- Michael Gurevich — Soft White (1999 / 6:08)
- Mark J. Hannesson — Burdizzo (6:07)
- Christien Ledroit — Miasmata (5:22)
- Mathieu Marcoux — Corporation (1999 / 6:23)
- Daniel Romano — Cosmos (1999 / 6:15)
- Julien Roy — Rémanence (Remix) (1999 / 7:05)
- Warren Spicer — Singing of a Speaking Summer Swelter (1999 / 6:58)
- Ian Stewart — Surveillance (1998 / 2:41)
- Ivan Zavada — Relation Diplomatik (6:48)
Cet enregistrement a été rendu possible grâce à l'aide du Fonds de la musique du Canada et du Service de la musique du Conseil des Arts du Canada. Merci également à l'Université Concordia, l'équipe de PeP et à DIFFUSION i MéDIA pour leur contribution et support.
This recording was made possible through the assistance of the Canada Music Fund and the Music Section of the Canada Council for the Arts. Thanks are also due to Concordia University, the PeP team and to DIFFUSION i MéDIA for continued project support.
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